February 24
I Hate Coriander Day happens on Saturday February 24, 2024.
Love it or hate it, February 24th marks a unique culinary observance – International I Hate Coriander Day. On this day, coriander (or cilantro, as it’s known in some parts) detractors from around the globe unite in their shared disdain for this polarizing herb. While some praise coriander for its fresh, citrusy flavor, others liken it to soap. This day is for those in the latter camp, providing a space to commiserate and celebrate their mutual aversion.
The dislike for coriander isn’t just about taste preferences. Studies have shown that some people are genetically predisposed to find the herb repulsive, detecting a ‘soapy’ flavor due to a particular gene. International I Hate Coriander Day is a nod to this genetic quirk and a celebration of taste diversity.
While you might not be a fan, use this day to understand why others love coriander. Engage in friendly debates or even try a dish with a hint of coriander – you might be surprised!
If a recipe calls for coriander and you can’t stand the herb, there are plenty of alternatives to try, like parsley, basil, or mint, depending on the dish.
Share memes, jokes, or clips from TV shows and movies that mention the infamous coriander debate. It’s a fun way to see how widespread the sentiment really is.
International I Hate Coriander Day isn’t just about disliking a herb; it’s about celebrating our unique tastes and preferences. Whether you participate in anti-coriander activities or just take the day to appreciate your favorite flavors, remember that diversity in tastes is what makes the culinary world so exciting. So, here’s to all the coriander naysayers – this day is for you!
I Hate Coriander Day will happen on the following upcoming dates:
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